Compact Single Serve
For your safety and continued enjoyment of this product, always read the instruction book carefully before using.
If a grounding-type outlet is not available, an
adapter, shown in Figure B, may be obtained
so that a 2-slot wall outlet can be used with
a 3-prong plug. As shown in Figure C, the
adapter must be grounded by attaching its
grounding lug under the screw of the outlet
cover plate.
SpeCIaL Cord Set
A short power-supply cord is provided to
reduce the risks resulting from becoming
entangled in or tripping over a longer cord.
Longer extension cords are available and
may be used if care is exercised in their use.
NOTE: Do not remove the grounding
If a long extension cord is used, the marked
electrical rating of the extension cord must
be at least as great as the electrical rating of
the appliance. The extension cord should be
a grounding-type 3-wire cord, and the
longer cord should be arranged so that it will
not drape over the countertop or tabletop
where it can be pulled on by children or
tripped over.
CAUTION: Before using an adapter, it must
be determined that the outlet cover plate
screw is properly grounded. If in doubt,
consult a licensed electrician. Never use
an adapter unless you are sure it is
properly grounded.
Note: Use of an adapter is not permitted in
Important unpaCKIng
Circuit Grounding
If you have a
1. Place the box on a large, sturdy, flat
diecast metal unit,
for your protection
it is equipped with
a 3-conductor cord
set that has
a molded 3-prong
plug, and should
be used in combi-
nation with a prop-
erly connected
outlet as shown
in Figure A.
2. Remove the instruction book and any
other literature.
3. Turn the box so that the back side of
the brewer is down and slide the
coffeemaker from the box.
Grounding Lug
4. After removing the brewer, place the
box out of the way and take the side
pulp molded inserts away.
5. Remove the polybag covering the brewer.
We suggest you save all packing materials
in the event that future shipping of the
machine is needed. Keep all plastic bags
away from children.
Cover of
Outlet Box
rISK of fIre or eLeCtrIC SHoCK
do not open
WarnIng: to reduCe tHe rISK of fIre or eLeCtrIC SHoCK,
do not remoVe CoVer (or BaCK)
no uSer-SerVICeaBLe partS InSIde
repaIr SHouLd Be done BY autHorIZed SerVICe perSonneL onLY
Important Safeguards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Important Unpacking Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
The Quest for the Perfect Cup of Coffee . . . . . . 5
Features and Benefits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Buttons and Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Setting Up Your Brewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Charcoal Water Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Brewing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Hot Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Brewing with the My K-Cup® Reusable Filter . . 12
Cleaning and Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Cleaning External Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Cleaning the My K-Cup® Reusable Filter . . . 13
Cleaning the K-Cup® Holder . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Cleaning the Water Reservoir . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Emptying the Internal Water Tank . . . . . . . . 14
De-Scaling Your Brewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Element 1
the Quest
Any hot beverage is made up primarily of water.
Often overlooked, the quality of the water is as
important as the quality of the coffee, tea or cocoa.
A good rule of thumb is that if your water doesn’t
taste good from the tap, it won’t taste any better
in your beverage. That’s why the Cuisinart® Compact
Single Serve has added a charcoal water filter that
removes chlorine, bad tastes and odors, for the
purest cup of coffee every time.
for the Perfect
Cup of Coffee
Element 2
While the bulk of the liquid is water, all of the flavor
should be from the coffee, tea or cocoa. To achieve
the same great quality you receive at coffee bars,
you need to use the same quality ingredients. By
using the K-Cup®, brought to you by some of the
most premium brands on the market, you can be
assured that you’re getting the finest, freshest
gourmet product with every cup you brew. If you
choose to use your own coffee in the included
My K-Cup®, make sure all your ingredients are
at their freshest.
Element 3
The grind of coffee and cocoa, or the refinement of
your tea leaves, is critical for proper flavor extraction.
With the pre-measured, pre-ground ingredients
found in every K-Cup®, you can rest easy knowing
that it’ll brew perfectly each and every time, locking
in maximum flavor and freshness.
Element 4
No matter which cup size you choose, the Cuisinart®
Compact Single Serve, working in conjunction with
K-Cup®, always produces the perfect cup every
time. When grinding your own coffee and using it in
the included My K-Cup®, remember to add the
amount of ground coffee that corresponds to the
number of ounces being brewed.
features and Benefits
1a. Charcoal filter Holder
1b. Charcoal Water filter
2. reservoir Lid
3a. 10-ounce Water reservoir
with cup markings at
6, 8, and 10 ounces
3b. Water Level Guide
4. Brewer Handle
5. Brewing Head
6. Brewing Chamber
holds My K-Cup® or
the K-Cup® Holder
7. Housing
8. removable drip tray Plate
9. drip tray
10. drip tray Base
11. drip tray overfill indicator
12. removable K-Cup® Holder
13. My K-Cup® reusable
Coffee filter
14. My K-Cup® Compartment
conveniently stores My K-Cup®
15a. Led display
15b. add Water indicator
15c. K-cup® indicator
16. Brew Button
17. Hot Water Button
18. Power Button
19. Power Cord (not shown)
20. BPa free (not shown)
all materials that come in contact
with water or coffee are BPA free
Buttons and indicators
Power Button (does not illuminate)
Press to turn the Brewer on and off.
Brew and Hot Water Buttons
When buttons are flashing blue it indicates
that a selection (Brew or Hot Water) needs
to be made. Once a selection is made
button is solid blue, indicating water is
heating and dispensing of beverage will
begin in approximately 2 minutes.
Your next Brew When the brewing
process is complete, the Add Water
indicator LED will illuminate. At this point you
can begin making the next beverage, or you
can power off.
add Water indicator Led
Indicator will illuminate blue – Fill the water
reservoir with cold water until it reaches just
under the rim of the desired level – 6, 8, or
10 ounces on the Water Level Guide.
automatic Shut-off As a safety feature,
your brewer will automatically shut off at any
stage when it is idle for longer than 90
seconds. Press the power button to restart.
If it shuts off while the Brew button LED was
flashing blue, lift and lower brewer handle to
K-cup® indicator Led
Indicator will illuminate blue – The blue light
flashes to indicate that the brewing head
needs to be opened and a K-Cup® or My
K-Cup® needs to be inserted. The light will
continue stay on until you lift the brewer
drip tray overfill indicator
Will pop up when excess coffee that does
not dispense into mug or residual
condensation from the brewing process fill
the drip tray.
Setting Up Your Brewer
initial Cleaning and first Brew
Perform an initial cleaning before
making your first beverage. follow
these instructions but do not insert
a K-Cup®
1. Plug the power cord into an
independent, grounded outlet. Press
the Power button to turn the unit on.
6. Wait until all the water has drained into
the brewer before lowering the brewer
handle completely.
7. Place mug on the drip tray.
8. The Hot Water button LED will remain
on, indicating that the water is heating.
After about 2 minutes, the water starts
to dispense.
9. The one-time cleaning process is
complete. Discard hot water. Your
brewer is ready to use.
2. Press the Hot Water button. The Add
Water indicator will illuminate.
3. Lift the reservoir lid.
Charcoal Water filter
Your coffeemaker comes with a charcoal
water filter that eliminates chlorine, bad
tastes and odors from tap water.
4. Pour water into the water reservoir until
it reaches the 10 oz. rim on the water
level guide. Close the lid.
inserting the Water filter
1. Remove the filter and filter holder from
the polybag.
2. Soak the filter, fully immersed in cold tap
water, for 15 minutes.
3. Rotate the water filter compartment
cover counterclockwise to remove the
charcoal water filter holder.
5. Lift the brewer handle but do not add a
K-cup®. Water starts to drain from the
water reservoir into the brewer.
1. Press the Power button.
2. Press the Brew button. Add Water and
K-cup® indicators will illuminate.
3. Lift the reservoir lid.
4. Pour water into the 10-ounce water
reservoir until it reaches the rim of your
desired fill level on the water level guide
(minimum 6 ounces.) Close the lid.
4. Place the charcoal water filter in the
holder and snap the holder cover
closed. Be careful – improper placement
can tear the filter skin (see figure).
5. Flush the filter and holder by running
fresh water through the hole in bottom
of compartment for 10 seconds.
6. Allow the filter to drain completely.
5. Lift the brewer handle. Water starts to
drain from the water reservoir into the
6. Place mug on the drip tray. The drip tray
can be removed to accommodate
travel mugs.
7. Select a K-Cup® portion pack.
note: Do not remove the foil lid or
puncture the K-Cup®
7. Place the assembled water filter holder
into the water reservoir, pushing it down
to fit into place (see figure).
8. Replace the water filter compartment
cover. Turn it clockwise to close tightly.
*Make sure compartment cover is in
place securely and arrows line up in
order for brewer to brew properly.
8. Place a K-Cup® in the brewing chamber.
Caution: there are two sharp
needles in the brewing chamber
that puncture the K-Cup®, one
above and one below.
to avoid risk of injury, do not put
your fingers in the K-Cup®
brewing chamber.
note: We recommend changing the water
filter every 60 days or after 60 uses, and
more often if you have hard water.
Replacement filters can be purchased in
stores, by calling Cuisinart Customer Service,
9. Wait until all the water has drained into
the brewer before lowering the brewer
handle completely.
Hot Water
Your brewer is equipped to dispense hot
water to make hot chocolate, tea, soup, and
to make hot water:
10. The Brew button LED will remain on,
indicating the water is heating.
note: If Brew button was not pressed
before you added water to the water
reservoir (Brew and Hot Water LEDs are
still flashing) you can do so after water has
drained into the brewer and the brewing
head is closed. The light will now stay on
until heating/brewing is complete.
14. Press the Power button.
15. Press the Hot Water button. Add Water
indicator will illuminate.
16. Lift the reservoir lid.
17. Pour water into the water reservoir until
it reaches up to the rim of your desired
fill level on the water level guide
11. After about 2 minutes, the beverage
starts to dispense.
(minimum 6 ounces). Close the lid.
Caution: there is very hot water
in the K-Cup® chamber during
the brewing process. to avoid
risk of injury, do not lift the
handle or open the K-Cup®
chamber during the brewing
18. Lift the brewer handle. Water starts to
drain from the water reservoir into the
19. Place mug on the drip tray. The drip
tray can be removed to accommodate
travel mugs.
20. Wait until all the water has drained into
the brewer before lowering the brewer
handle completely.
21. The Hot Water button LED will remain
on, indicating the brewer is heating.
note: If the Hot Water button was not
pressed before you added water to the
water reservoir (Hot Water and Brew LEDs
are still flashing) you can do so after water
has drained into the brewer and the brew
head is closed. The LED will now stay on
until heating/brewing is complete.
12. Lift the handle, then remove and
dispose of the used K-Cup®. Close the
brewing head.
22. After about 2 minutes, hot water starts
to dispense.
Caution: K-Cup® will be hot.
13. Enjoy your cup of gourmet coffee! Your
brewer is ready to use again or you can
power it off.
2. Disassemble the My K-Cup® by turning
the lid in a counterclockwise direction.
Remove the filter basket from the
3. Wash the My K-Cup® lid, filter basket
and holder in warm soapy water prior
to use, making sure to rinse and dry
thoroughly. All My K-Cup® parts are
dishwasher safe.
Brewing with the
My K-Cup® reusable
Coffee filter
The Cuisinart® Compact Single Serve comes
with a My K-Cup® reusable coffee filter,
which allows you to use your own ground
coffee. The dishwasher-safe My K-Cup®
conveniently stores in the easy-open
4. Re-insert the filter basket into the holder.
5. Fill the filter basket with ground coffee,
making sure not to fill past the top of
the mesh. Adjust the amount to your
personal preference. Do not tamp the
grounds. Make sure there are no
grounds remaining on the upper rim of
the filter basket. Turn the lid clockwise to
6. Follow brewing instructions on page 10,
but instead of adding a K-cup® place the
My K-cup® in the brewing chamber.
1. Before using the My K-Cup® Reusable
Coffee Filter for the first time: open the
storage compartment located on the
right side of the brewer by pressing the
finger indent. Remove the My K-Cup®.
6a. Remove the K-Cup® holder from
the brewing chamber by pulling
toward you. (If you like, store the
K-Cup® holder in the My K-Cup®
storage compartment.)
6b. Drop the assembled My K-Cup®
into the brewing chamber. There
is no need to snap it into place.
Any other servicing should be performed by
an authorized service representative.
Cleaning the My K-Cup®
reusable Coffee filter
1. Open the storage compartment located
on the right side of the brewer by
pressing the finger indent. Remove the
My K-Cup®.
2. Disassemble the My K-Cup® by turning
the lid in a counterclockwise direction.
Remove the filter basket from the
CaUtion: there are two sharp
needles in the brewing chamber
that puncture the K-Cup®, one
above and one below. to avoid
risk of injury, do not put your
fingers in the K-Cup® brewing
7. After brewing raise the handle and
remove the My K-Cup®. Use caution
as the My K-Cup® will be hot.
8. Disassemble the My K-Cup® by
turning the lid from the holder in
a counterclockwise direction.
3. Wash the My K-Cup® lid, filter basket
and holder in warm soapy water making
sure to rinse and dry thoroughly. All My
K-Cup® parts are dishwasher safe.
Remove the filter basket from the
holder, discard the grounds and rinse
out the filter basket and holder.
Cleaning the K-Cup® Holder
9. Replace the K-Cup® holder, ensuring
that the arrow on K-Cup® rim aligns with
the arrow on the brewing chamber.
Gently push the K-Cup® holder to snap
into place.
1. The K-Cup® holder is top-shelf
dishwasher safe (use low temperature
cycles in the dishwasher). To remove,
lift the handle to open the brewing
chamber. Grasp the top of the K-Cup®
holder and pull toward you. After
cleaning, replace the K-Cup® holder,
being sure to align the arrow on the
K-Cup® holder rim with the arrow on
the brewing chamber.
Cleaning and
Cleaning external Parts
We recommend regular cleaning of
the brewer’s external components.
1. Never immerse the brewer in water
or other liquids. The housing and other
external components may be cleaned
with a soapy, damp, non-abrasive cloth.
2. To remove the drip tray, simply slide it
toward you, keeping it level at all times
in order to prevent spills. The drip tray
and drip tray plate are dishwasher safe.
Do not clean drip tray with cleansers,
steel wool pads or other abrasive
2. Cleaning the Funnel – The funnel can be
removed from the K-Cup® holder by
pulling on it until it pops off (see figure).
The funnel is top-rack dishwasher safe.
To replace it, just snap it back onto the
K-Cup® holder assembly.
de-Scaling your Brewer
Mineral content in water varies from place to
place. Depending on the mineral content of
the water in your area, calcium deposits or
scale may build up in your brewer. Though
scale is non-toxic, it can hinder brewer
performance. De-scaling your brewer will
help maintain the heating element and other
parts that come in contact with water.
For optimal performance, de-scale your
brewer every 3 to 6 months. It is possible for
calcium deposits to build up faster, making it
necessary to de-scale more often.
3. Cleaning the Exit Needle –
The exit needle is located on the inside
bottom of the K-Cup® holder assembly.
Should a clog arise because of coffee
grounds, it can be cleaned using a
paper clip or similar tool. Remove
K-Cup® holder and insert the paper clip
to loosen the clog and push it out.
CaUtion: there are sharp
needles that puncture the
K-Cup® above and below. to
avoid risk of injury, do not put
your fingers in the K-Cup®
assembly Housing.
note: Before de-scaling your brewer
remember to remove the charcoal water
filter from the water filter holder located in
the water reservoir.
Cleaning the Water reservoir
It is normal over time for discoloration,
spotting or staining to appear in the water
reservoir. Results will vary depending on the
mineral content of the bottled or filtered
water used but will not affect the operation
of the brewer. However, be sure to clean the
water reservoir regularly to minimize build-
To begin, you will need the following:
20 ounces of distilled white vinegar
12-ounce ceramic mug (do not use
paper cup)
Access to a sink
Clean inside the water reservoir with a
damp, lint-free cloth as necessary.
Step 1: first Vinegar rinse
Fill water reservoir with 10 ounces of
undiluted white vinegar.
emptying the internal Water
Place the ceramic mug on the drip tray.
Lift the brewer handle, but do not add
Brewer must be powered off but plugged in.
a K-Cup®
1. Lower the reservoir lid.
2. Place a mug on the drip tray.
After all the vinegar has drained, lower
the brewer handle and press the Hot
Water button.
3. Press and hold down the Brew button
and continue to hold until all the water is
dispensed into the mug.
The Hot Water button will illuminate blue,
indicating the brewer is heating.
There will be a 3- to 5-second delay before
water begins to dispense.
Once the vinegar is dispensed,
discard it into sink.
Step 2: Second Vinegar rinse
Pour the remaining 10 ounces of vinegar
into the water reservoir.
Place the ceramic mug on the drip tray.
Lift the brewer handle, but do not add
a K-Cup®
After all the vinegar has drained, lower
the brewer handle and press the Hot
Water button.
The Hot Water button will illuminate blue,
indicating the brewer is heating.
Power the brewer off as it starts to
Allow brewer to sit for 30 minutes.
Power on the brewer, lift and lower
brewer handle, then press the Brew
Once the vinegar is dispensed, discard
hot contents into sink.
Step 3: fresh Water rinse
• Repeat step 1 three times using
freshwater in place of vinegar
This will clean the brewer plumbing and
remove any residual vinegar taste. The
brewer is now ready for normal use.
Brewer does not have
Plug brewer into an independent outlet.
Make sure the brewer is securely plugged in.
Plug into a different outlet.
Reset your home’s circuit breaker.
Confirm the power has been turned on and the brew and
hot water indicators are flashing.
Brewer will not brew.
Turn off and unplug the brewer for 30 seconds or more.
When you plug the brewer back in, be sure to turn the
power back on.
If the Add Water indicator is illuminated, check to make sure
the water reservoir is properly filled. If not add desired
amount of water (6 to 10 ounces).
Make sure water has fully drained from the water reservoir
into the brewer by lifting the brewing head.
Make sure the water filter compartment cover is securely in
place by turning clockwise to close tightly.
The exit needle may be clogged (see page 14).
If the Add Water indicator is illuminated even after adding 6
to 10 ounces of water to the water reservoir and water has
fully drained into the brewer, contact Customer Service at
Chlorine or mineral
taste in coffee.
Consider using bottled water, filtered water or the Cuisinart
Charcoal Water Filer.
Doesn’t brew a full cup. Water may not have fully drained from the water reservoir
into the brewer. Check to see if there is water remaining in
the reservoir. If there is, lift the brewing head to drain water
into the brewer.
Turn off and unplug the brewer for 30 seconds or more.
When you plug the brewer back in, be sure to turn the
power back on.
The exit needle may be clogged (see page 14).
Clean the K-Cup® holder brewing chamber (refer to
“Cleaning & Maintenance” page 13).
De-scale the brewer (refer to page 14).
If you have repeated the de-scaling procedure two times
and it is still brewing only a partial cup, contact Customer
Service at 1-800-726-0190.
Coffee is too weak or
Consider brewing a smaller cup size or try an Extra Bold
K-Cup®. It has 30% more ground coffee in each portion
If your Cuisinart® Compact Single Serve should
prove to be defective within the warranty period,
we will repair or, if we think necessary, replace
it. To obtain warranty service, please call our
Consumer Service Center toll-free at 1-800-726-
0190 or write to: Cuisinart, 7811 North Glen Harbor
Blvd. Glendale, AZ 85307. To facilitate the speed
and accuracy of your return, enclose $10.00 for
shipping and handling. (California residents need
only supply a proof of purchase and should call
1-800-726-0190 for shipping instructions.) Be sure
to include your return address, description of the
product’s defect, product serial number, and any
other information pertinent to the return. Please
pay by check or money order. NOTE: For added
protection and secure handling of any Cuisinart
product that is being returned, we recommend you
use a traceable, insured delivery service. Cuisinart
cannot be held responsible for in-transit damage
or for packages that are not delivered to us.
Lost and/or damaged products are not covered
under warranty.
This warranty is available to consumers only.
You are a consumer if you own a Cuisinart®
Compact Single Serve that was purchased
at retail for personal, family or household use.
Except as otherwise required under applicable
law, this warranty is not available to retailers
or other commercial purchasers or owners.
We warrant that your Cuisinart® Compact Single
Serve will be free of defects in materials and
workmanship under normal home use for 3
years from the date of original purchase.
We recommend that you visit our website,
complete your product registration. However,
product registration does not eliminate the need
for the consumer to maintain the original proof of
purchase in order to obtain the warranty benefits.
In the event that you do not have proof of purchase
date, the purchase date for purposes of this
warranty will be the date of manufacture.
Your Cuisinart® Compact Single Serve has been
manufactured to the strictest specifications and
has been designed for use only in 120 volt outlets
and only with authorized accessories and
California law provides that for In-Warranty Service,
California residents have the option of returning
a nonconforming product (A) to the store where
it was purchased or (B) to another retail store that
sells Cuisinart products of the same type. The retail
store shall then, according to its preference, either
repair the product, refer the consumer to an
independent repair facility, replace the product,
or refund the purchase price less the amount
directly attributable to the consumer’s prior usage
of the product. If either of the above two options
does not result in the appropriate relief to the
consumer, the consumer may then take the
product to an independent repair facility, if service
or repair can be economically accomplished.
Cuisinart and not the consumer will be responsible
for the reasonable cost of such service, repair,
replacement, or refund for nonconforming products
under warranty. California residents may also,
according to their preference, return nonconforming
products directly to Cuisinart for repair or, if
necessary, replacement by calling our Consumer
Service Center toll-free at 800-726-0190. Cuisinart
will be responsible for the cost of the repair,
replacement, and shipping and handling for such
nonconforming products under warranty.
replacement parts. This warranty expressly
excludes any defects or damages caused by
attempted use of this unit with a converter, as
well as use with accessories, replacement parts
or repair service other than those authorized by
Cuisinart. This warranty does not cover any
damage caused by accident, misuse, shipment
or other than ordinary household use. This
warranty excludes all incidental or consequential
damages. Some states do not allow the exclusion
or limitation of these damages, so these exclusions
may not apply to you. You may also have other
rights, which vary from state to state.
Important: If the nonconforming product is to
be serviced by someone other than Cuisinart’s
Authorized Service Center, please remind the
servicer to call our Consumer Service Center
at 1-800-726-0190 to ensure that the problem
is properly diagnosed, the product is serviced
with the correct parts, and to ensure that the
product is still under warranty.
Tools and
Cuisinart offers an extensive assortment of top quality products
to make life in the kitchen easier than ever. Try some of our other countertop
appliances, cookware, tools and gadgets.
©2011 Cuisinart
150 Milford Road
East Windsor, NJ 08520
Any trademarks or service marks of third parties used herein
are the trademarks or service marks of their respective owners.
Printed in China
Keurig, the Cup and Star Design, Keurig Brewed, and K-Cup are trademarks
of Keurig, Incorporated, used with permission. For use and/or licensed under
U.S. Pat. No. 7,165,488; and other U.S. and foreign patents pending.
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